People Meeting God

    Sharing the difference Jesus makes


Meet God in Jesus Meet God in the Bible Meet God in Creation Relationship with God N.Springfield Baptist Ch "Meet Jesus" Course Blog



Six weeks exploring the truth
about Jesus Christ


The loving father and the prodigal son – God loves us so much

Jesus heals a blind man – he asks “How can I help you?”

The Sermon on the Mount – Jesus shows us the secret of real happiness

Feeding the 5000 – life in all its fullness

Good Friday – who died why?

Easter Sunday – didn’t he used to be dead?

We begin around 7.45 pm with coffee and cakes. At 8 pm a short video DVD introduces the topic for the evening. With a helpful booklet there is also plenty of time for everybody’s questions, finishing by 9.15 pm.

                                    If you have ANY QUESTIONS please do get in touch:

                                    Phone / Voicemail / Texts: 07963166459
                                    North Springfield Baptist Church,
                                    Havengore, Chelmsford CM1 6JP