People Meeting God

    Sharing the difference Jesus makes


Meet God in Jesus Meet God in the Bible Meet God in Creation Relationship with God N.Springfield Baptist Ch "Meet Jesus" Course Blog


How wide and long
God loves us SO much
Hearing God speak


For three thousand years Jews and Christians have been meeting God through the Bible. The Bible records things God has said and the things God has done.  

How wide and how long and how high and how deep

How wide and how long and how high and how deep is God's love for us?

God loves us SO much

Hear just how much God loves you and me

Hearing God speak through the Bible

We need to learn to hear God speaking directly to us through His Word, the Bible

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. (The Bible - Book of Psalms 119 verse 105)


                                    If you have ANY QUESTIONS please do get in touch:

                                    Phone / Voicemail / Texts: 07963166459
                                    North Springfield Baptist Church,
                                    Havengore, Chelmsford CM1 6JP