Jesus loves me;
Ransomed, healed, restored;
Jesus is Lord;
Only by grace;
Bold I approach;
Lost now found;
Dead now alive;
Crucified, Risen, Returning;
Heaven not hell;
Love, joy, peace;
Crucified, died, risen;
Alive in Christ;
Alive for evermore;
Fulness of life;
Christ in you;
Children of God;
No condemnation now;
Jesus is alive!
God helped me;
Let God Help;
Knowing God personally;
God did that!
God with us;
Almighty, all-knowing, ever-present;
Dear or alive?
See, love, follow;
Believer, follower, messenger;
Caterpillar into butterfly;
Death to life;
Darkness to light;
Enemies into friends;
Save Our Souls;
White as snow;
Pretty amazing grace!
What is your “Three Word Gospel” ??
Three Word Gospels